"UMOJA", a short documentary by award-winning filmmaker Justin R. Brown, is the heartwarming story of Frank-Antoine Marzin and his quest to find the missing pieces in his life. Marzin was born in Vietnam but put up for adoption soon after birth. He was adopted by a French couple and grew up happily in Northern France, but always wondered who his birth parents were as he speculated and searched for over four decades. Through the miracle of DNA and ANCESTRY.COM, he finally discovered his father, Vietnam Veteran Asamu Johnson, living in western Michigan. Now the two are meeting for the first time in person in what is sure to be a moment of eternity.

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iMichigan Productions
iMichigan Productions is a 501(c) (3) incorporated in the State of Michigan by media professionals with over 75 years of collective experience in the classroom and behind the lens in producing Television, film, video and other media projects. iMichigan Productions has a reputation for quality work with our team of outstanding educators and filmmakers who are highly focused with exceptional talent for establishing and communicating vision to achieve remarkable sustainable results!
Our Mission
Our mission is to create digital content for Television and the Internet. We produce content for all platforms that is entertaining, educational and audience building. We create content that highlights Michigan's contemporary and historical contributions. Our programs include the Music of Peaceful Warriors, Veteran Narratives, Flint Media Project, Flint Youth Film Festival, Film Appreciation Academy and Documentaries.

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Flint Youth Film Festival
The Flint Youth Film Festival introduces the art of filmmaking to young filmmakers under the age of 25. It provides these young filmmakers with venues for developing their storytelling talents as well as opportunities to share creative work with peers, the public and professional filmmakers and screenwriters. For more information go to https://www.flintyouthfilmfestival.com

Flint Youth Film Festival

Film Appreciation Academy

Veteran Narratives

Flint Youth Media Project

Music of America's Veterans

Our Services

Music Performances

Music Videos

